
  • American government has overstepped its authority in trying to control people.
  • While explicit slavery is not legal, Americans are often treated legally as implicit slaves of the State.
  • State control over injections, surgeries, implants, and ingested substances is legally permitted.


  • We will ensure that adults have the sole right to grant or withhold consent to add things to their bodies.
  • We will ensure that adults have the sole right to grant or withhold consent to remove things from their body.
  • We will work to ensure that both explicit and implicit slavery are made illegal.


The inalienable rights of “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” that are enshrined in our nation’s Declaration of Independence include each person's right to control the decision involving their own body. In a rapidly changing world of increased government involvement in healthcare, education, and other key areas of human activity, my administration will ensure and protect each individual's ownership of his or her own body.

As the coronavirus pandemic and technological development reshape our world, my administration will work to protect each individual’s right to choose what goes into his or her body. We will strengthen existing laws and agencies to ensure clean air, water, soil and food for every American. My administration will also work to pass legislation ensuring each person’s right to choose what enters his or her own body, from vaccines to microchips.

Protecting Americans’ right to choose what goes into our bodies, my administration will strengthen existing laws and agencies that ensure our water, air, soil and food are clean and free of harmful toxins. We will safeguard America’s public health by prioritizing our ownership over our bodies and our personal right to choose what goes into our bodies. To protect individual freedom and civil liberties, we will ensure that individuals will not be mandated to take particular vaccines or undergo medical treatments without their explicit consent. Owning your own body and what goes into it is only possible in a transparent, open society where we know the potential risks of the ingredients in everything we consume. To this end, my administration will work to pass new legislation to increase transparency and health and safety standards for healthcare, pharmaceutical, personal hygiene, water and food products.

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